3 Steps to Radically Love Yourself


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Be the love you never received.


-- Rune Lazuli

Hey there,

Happy Mindful Monday!

What a week!

Levi decided to be awake until 11 pm every evening last week. 🐣 So there was no time for Mindful Monday.

After feeling upset for a second, I quickly made peace with it because I knew you would understand. πŸ™

Whatever comes your way this week, choosing peace is always the right decision.

In today’s Mindful Monday edition we’ll cover:

  • πŸ“– 3 Steps to Radically Love Yourself
  • πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ A Mindfulness Practice to Change How You Feel
  • πŸ’‘ The 3 Most Popular Thoughts of the Week

Let's dive right in 🀿

What does it mean to love yourself?

It’s not getting a massage once in a while.

Real self-love is being okay with who and where you are in your life while simultaneously acknowledging there are areas to work on and layers of social conditioning to peel off.

Being at peace with the present YOU is possible.

Imagine yourself peacefully working on becoming better while taking care of the present YOU like a loving mother.

Compassionate. Encouraging. Patient. Understanding.

All of this happens inside your head.

Let’s turn the toxic relationship we have with ourselves into one of unconditional love and understanding.

Here is how to get there in 3️⃣ steps.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Mindfulness Practice/Tool

Here is your mindfulness practice for this week. I share one practice for you to try every week:

During the Christmas holidays, there are huge expectations to have a magical time.

But often we are just stressed and annoyed.

If you feel miserable during your deserved holiday break take a pause and do this:

1️⃣ Name how you feel:

This could be: anxious, afraid, burnt-out, overwhelmed, sad....

2️⃣ Think about how you want to feel:

Some inspirations: calm, productive, present, grateful, energized.

Choose one of the above and come up with 3 ideas of what you could do right now to bring you closer to that feeling.

You can control how you feel and what you think.

But it is much easier to change your emotions through an intentional activity.

For example, if you want to feel energized go for a run.

If you want to be present do a short meditation or focus on your senses.

If you want to feel productive just do one easy thing from your to-do list.

The biggest takeaway from this exercise is to recognize you are in control of your emotions and feelings. πŸ¦Ήβ€β™€οΈ

It's up to you if you utilize this power.

πŸ’‘ Most Popular Thoughts of the Week

Thank you for being here with me every week.

To start 2024 as mindful as possible, I'm working on a 30-day challenge to get in the habit of journaling or meditating or any other?

Would you be interested in joining?

Which habit do you want to create in 2024? (Click the link to let me know which one I shall create.)

Have a mindful week and see you next Monday!


Karo πŸ’–

Oskarlundsbacken 39, Stockholm, 11754

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